
I love linguistics.

This is a true story.

There was a guy named Kevin that all the girls liked. Except me. He was not my cup of tea and he knew it. I wasn’t rude to him, but he knew I didn’t like how he talked to me. It didn’t stop him but I ignored him as best as I could.

While standing in the lunch line at school, two upper class girls approached me. I balled my fists. I thought there was gonna be a scrap.

One finally spoke, “so I heard you called me a HOE.”

Confused, I said, “I don’t even know what that is.”

The very intimidating girl adds, “Kevin said this….”

Oh that jerk. I explained to her he and I didn’t get along. She suspected he was starting his shit but she wanted to make sure.

I didn’t have to fight that day. Whew!

After the girls left, I turned to my best friend and ask, “what is a HOE?”

This is a teachable moment here. I was expecting a Webster dictionary response breaking down the word’s origin and variable tenses but my friend in a detached manner, nonchalantly responds, “a Whore.”


I repeat the word out loud….. hoping it would open the gates of understanding.

I think to myself, I do like scary movies…….

H-O-double R-O-R.

That night while at the table doing my homework, I ask my mom, “What’s a Hoe?” My mom, who cannot be subtle in any way, says loudly, “a ‘Hoe?’ A garden tool!”


Hearing the word “Whore” for the first time made me think “Horror.” For years, I thought this girl believed I called her a “Scary.”



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